How to reach Moena, Vigo, Pozza, Campitello, Canazei, Predazzo and Cavalese. How to reach the Val di Fassa and the Val di Fiemme.
Contact us
By looking at the map you can figure it out where Moena and Canazei are located.
You can check how far the airports or train stations are from the Val di Fassa and the Val di Fiemme.
You can see and decide in which place is better to go, in order to easily
reach all the villages in the Val di Fassa and the Val di Fiemme.
The best airports are Venice, Verona or Innsbruck, they are closer then others and in aproximatelly two hours and half you can reach our wonderful Dolomites.
We offer a professional transfer service from all the below airports and railway station.
Check how far the are from the Val di Fassa and the Val di Fiemme.
How far away are Moena, Canazei, Campitello, Pozza and Cavalese from the main North Italian airports:
How far away are Moena, Canazei, Campitello, Pozza and Cavalese from the closest railway station of:
If you need to go to the Val di Fassa or to the Val di Fiemme and need a ride, get in touch with us to get informations and tranfer rates.
We are always available 24/7 to give you all the information you need.
Do you need a transfer service to the Val di Fassa or to the Val di Fiemme? We are a local company, and ready to help you to reach your destination.
Write us
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Write me. I'll personally reply to you, when I am not driving as soon as I can.
We are always available to give you the right information, about taxi services, airport transfers, bus excursions or any other request.
You can also get in touch with us by text through whatsapp, imessage and facebook at the mobile phone: Cesare Desilvestro (+39) 335 7605170.
If you prefer, you can simply send us an E-mail. We will reply to you as soon as we can, usually within 24 hours.
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